Saturday, January 13, 2018

So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation. Now our minds are one.

They get comfortable depending on your forgiveness. Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you.They get comfortable depending on your forgiveness. Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you. A little faith will bring your soul to The Creator but a lot of faith will bring. So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation.  Now our minds are one.I believe everyone that we cross paths with is for a season, a reason or a cause. They are either blessings or lessons. Strangers are friends that you have not met yet. Your actions and your behaviors tell the real story about who you are. I live by trying to help others because I can. Not that I want something in exchange for being a decent, kind, understanding and compassionate for all people all the time.

To the ideals, sixties, youth, hope, not all forgotten, un-remembered by some, the sum of aging while remaining young, forever young as dylan sang, but not peter pan, vain attempt to keep what is lost, rather knowing the child is always there and ready to play, to send bright wishes, seeking nothing, seeking everything, a cool cat, guy, bro, dude not in Cali but sending distant greetings to a like mind and don't mind saying I wish you a very good 2018 as well.

Wishes On Stars, Sons To Shine, Silent Knights, Happy New Year 2018.Something special baby. Silent knights, sons to shine, wishes for roads to travel with company, schools of hard knocks, blue oceans to create. Cali chick, babe, dame, names and labels of the baby boomers, just saying, black not read, blue or yellow. Wits, charms, heads above the crowds, giants, over 6 decades, 6 feet tall, rites to reasons, seasons of Jack retired from his trade. The Early birds, walks on the beaches, dances in the streets, glory dazes to come. Cheers and chaps, Happy New Year 2018. To many more. ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰Tales to be written, over time and space, lots of demeans, caps to recall, tales of dicks and dogs. Love in head, luck in place, in places in my head, lots of love to get out. Lessons learned on the sands of time, rocking steady, rocking all night long.

Your time is coming, Jan 18, 2018, next blue moon, shooting stars out of the sky, just getting up, its my time of day, home alone, just my way. Rather be by myself, then with a dick, a dawg, or a frog, can do bad on my own, do not need to pay, play or stay in a shitty connection. No time for clowns, jokers, fuckers, haters, suckers for free rides, just saying. Not sure where you are at, like the fact that you learned how to give and take, in a meeting of the minds, just the stats were not covered. Would like to know about those, retired for working with 6 hats on to wear. How about that, care to share, would like to take a moment or two, to smell the roses in other places.

13545 Red Mahogany Dr,

Moreno Valley, CA 92553.

Stands:New York State Tales of Tin In the power of the numbers, counting the stars, counting the letters, rules of numbers always on top. Hill tops, tree tops, tops of the mountains climbed. Gifts to share from the heavens, gifts to share with the numbers, gifts to share for the super-stars, thanks to the little mothers, thanks to the earth angels, thanks to the whales and sharks, thanks for the lessons learned, in the power of the twos, in the power of a dozen, in the power of one. 

We use to have a house in Sun City (14 years) and I want to relocate back however would like to have a companion to be with before doing so, i currently live in Denver and have a lot of flexibility; Moi:Brooklyn pedigree (expelled from nursery school), NNJ for the Wonder Bread years (Destroys bodies the food industrial complex way), DU alumni(When it was one of the top party schools in the country, now its nicer but really a faux ivy wanna be), back to Princeton for the Ozzie and Harriett years (beautiful former wife, two great millenials who are independent and on their own, big house, second homes, lots of cars, lots of trips, good run) back to Denver post divorce ISO dedicated female companionship. Fulfillment is both intrinsic and physical. Take a chance on ribald romance with an energetic, strong, nice guy. You are still very attractive, fit, happy, looking for that guy who will have your back as you will mine. Existential sometimes, been there done that (30 years as a renaissance guy disguised in a suit), worldly, music maven, peripatetic, alpha poetic (rhymes).

All in one, tin men swinging for the freaks out at night, the fools and the frogs, lost and traped in the fours and the fives.  Fairy tales, and the hidden messages, notes for the gods above, notes for the mules, and the frogs, goats and the horns noted: love and hate, flip the coin, count the numbers for the prices. So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation.  Now our minds are one.

Today let us all gather and make sure that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation.
Now our minds are one.

 I cum in peace, I cum in heat, I cum in the power of the 7s, to the end of time. Teacher now of the numbers, cum and sail away today. Pittbull in Minim, thanks for the questions on the land whales, Steven Jarrot, dead head, meth head, sad and blue, looking for a mule, or a hemal, to be the beast of buddle, freak with head in ass, so far....  Gits to share of the lessons learned. Sailor-Sally Anne D'Silva, last ghost for the huntington beach location. Back to square one, the direstions, for travel, up down and accross, travel the numbers to greatness. Lucky dayzes for the good, bad and ugly. Periods of darkness needed for the stars to shine at night. So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation.  Now our minds are one.


 So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation.  Now our minds are one.

No, not yet, liked this one, just came on the market, when though foreclosure, bank selling now, saw on for $250K, and the houses have been selling for $360K. In last 3 months. Agent said to leave alone, priced at $408K now. So, I wait, or get another agent. Have written 2 offers on other houses, that have not sold yet. Overpriced, and unreal dreams of more cash for their, houses than it is worth, same story, all the time.

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Checking out castles for  sale, getting ready for my bath, done with the chick, chats now, hope it is all roses for you.....
Going to the beach today, in Orange for the weekend, went to Disneyland yesterday, lots of walks around the park. Staying in shape, got harder this year. Still 126 pounds, more layers on the legs, that I have to work off. Castles For Sale You Could Buy RIGHT NOW, Checking the  prices on other places, houses, homes, veterans with skills, writing notes, policies and procedures, starting classes to learn more. Time to start, wheels to turn, clocks to tick, rites, reasons, seasons of joy, peace and happiness, schools of hard knocks, classes on love, hate, luck, leaders, layers of lights, out of the shadows. Rites, reasons, hands to hold, mother to moms, sunny and bright, stars to shine, veterans with skills, earth angels, names and labels, coins to flip, cards to read, glory dazes to come.

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Views online: ways and means, regards and concerns, dances in the streets, god times, glory dazes to come. Our 10 Most Popular Castles ....Gifts to Share. .Many stories, many tales to share, written stories are not the same, there are more stories that have not been told. This is the first story created to deal with the shame, and this tale was created to bring a little more light to the matters that we have to address today. Mistakes made by Uncle Sam, mistakes made by the soldiers that were force to work on the color bits of truth and honesty, that was used to agreements to be lab rats. Humans black, humans in the Army, and the families that were changed as well.

Help needed to turn the lights on the mental, and physical damages done by Uncle Sam, and the rocks or the marbles lost for the families that lived that period as lab rats. Black men with family members, with wives and the offspring given to the military men that served. Damages done with the experiments done on the men of Tuskegee Experiment, and what that meant to just one family.

Health issues, mental issues, and early decease that point the fingers at the effects of being a lab rat then. Here are the stories that need to be told about the mistakes made by Uncle Sam, and the corrections that are to be done to make this family whole again. Reports of the doctors that noted the extra gifts given as part of the Tuskegee Experiment in Alabama to this one man, and his family

For me, Pearleen Ackles, born in 1955, have had to watch first my father -O. B. Ackles-give his all for the good of the country, and this was the trick he got for time served. He expired to young, and my mother follow not long after that: (born-5-17-1922-died now) and mother Elizabeth Ackles-die too soon.


 The Creator to your soul.Santa's Ho-Ho-Home Is Here, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Actions. Hats, horns, bells to ring, home at last. Hits and misses,...Fuck views of others, get up and dance away from blues of fish in the sea. Good times, happy times to share for the joys... So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation.  Now our minds are one.

They get comfortable depending on your forgiveness. Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you.They get comfortable depending on your forgiveness. Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you. A little faith will bring your soul to The Creator but a lot of faith will bring. So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation.  Now our minds are one.13545 Red Mahogany Dr,

Moreno Valley, CA 92553

Stands:New York State Tales of Tin In the power of the numbers, counting the stars, counting the letters, rules of numbers always on top. Hill tops, tree tops, tops of the mountains climbed. Gifts to share from the heavens, gifts to share with the numbers, gifts to share for the super-stars, thanks to the little mothers, thanks to the earth angels, thanks to the whales and sharks, thanks for the lessons learned, in the power of the twos, in the power of a dozen, in the power of one. All in one, tin men swinging for the freaks out at night, the fools and the frogs, lost and traped in the fours and the fives.  Fairy tales, and the hidden messages, notes for the gods above, notes for the mules, and the frogs, goats and the horns noted: love and hate, flip the coin, count the numbers for the prices. So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation.  Now our minds are one.

Today let us all gather and make sure that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, let us bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as one true Nation.

Now our minds are one.


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