Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Rednecks, Retards, Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Faces In The Crowds.

Hats in purple, the color or hope, hates in blue the color of peace, hats in green. color for life, green cash in the pots of gold at the end of the rainbows. On your your path, on your journey of life in the fast lanes, rats to races, daily events. Rednecks, Retards, Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Faces In The Crowds.
Image result for crooks, cheaters, liars

.❤🎶🎼🎤👀👣❤👣❤👣❤👣❤👣❤🚛." Would You Please, Come Home", Pearl Bailey song, for her brother, my father, by trade. Dancing dreams, dances in the dark, dances with my father, Jack Bailey, Bill Bailey, Walter Richard Bailey, Jr., names in the air.Stars, Dames, unfuckwithable: Trips to the heavens and back, time to spin a tale or two. Blue and Red, Peace and Love, Candy Hearts.Blue Lights 2.5151: 50 Shades Of Color, Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, Chicks And Babes:Are you feeling your connection to God (Spirit, Source, Truth, Light, Love) ? Kalindi la Gourasana.True Blue, Birds, Bees, Butterflies.Rednecks, Retards, Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Faces In The Crowds.

Image result for crooks, cheaters, liars

Here's To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always. Seasons Of Joys, Pains, Dances In The Rain, Birds, Bees, Bugs, Counting Heads.Paths Crossed. Lessons Daily, Rites To Reasons, Glory Dazes.Stores of Tips:American Veterans. Earth Angels In Lights:Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, unfuckwithable: Trips to the heavens and back, time to spin a tale or two. Blue and Red, Peace and Love, Candy Hearts.Blue Lights 2.5151: 50 Shades Of Color, Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, Chicks And Babes:Are you feeling your connection to God (Spirit, Source, Truth, Light, Love) ? Kalindi la Gourasana.True Blue, Birds, Bees, Butterflies.Rednecks, Retards, Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Faces In The Crowds.

 Life is a beach, then you expire, joys an dances to do, pleasures to eat, pleasures to give back, to the mothers, to the fathers, to the real and the adobe in houses, homeless veterans with kids, the kids without parents. Dead parents, dead friends, dead and buried, gone from the light of day, dead and in the ground, thanks for the lights that were on in your time, thanks for the joys. Review: Is the Forever 21 Credit Card worth it? | April 2018 - Finder.com https://www.finder.com › Credit Cards › ComenityRednecks, Retards, Rainbow Racers, Rats To Roaches, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Faces In The Crowds.

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